
Canada imposes final AD duties on steel plates from Taiwan & Germany

Canada imposes final AD duties on steel plates from Taiwan & Germany

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) announced yesterday (January 7) that it made a positive final ruling on the anti-dumping (AD) case against certain hot-rolled carbon steel heavy plate and high-strength low-alloy steel heavy plates from Taiwan and Germany, and announced the dumping margins of the two countries.

As for Turkey's Ereğli Demir ve Çelik Fabrikaları T.A.Ş., after being imposed a 2.9% temporary AD duty, the CBSA decided to terminate the company's AD investigation.

According to the final ruling, Taiwan’s CSC’s dumping margin rate was 7% and that of all other exporters involved was 80.6%, which were lower than the 9.4% and 97% determined in the initial ruling.


As for the dumping margin of German AG der Dillinger Hüttenwerke, it was 6.3%, and that of other companies involved was 68.6%, which were higher than the 4.8% and 63.8% determined in the initial ruling.

The products involved are under tariff classification numbers 7208.51.00.10, 7208.51.00.93, 7208.51.00.94, 7208.51.00.95, 7208.52.00.10, 7208.52.00.93, and 7208.52.00.96.

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