
Hot rolling of stainless steel surface processing

Hot rolling of stainless steel surface processing

There are three basic rolling surface treatments for plate and strip, which are represented by the plate and strip production process.

No.1: Hot rolled, annealed, pickled and descaled. The surface of the treated steel plate is a dull surface and a bit rough.

No.2D: Better surface processing than N0.1, but also a dull surface. After cold rolling, annealing, descaling, and finally light rolling with matte rollers.

No.2B: This is the most commonly used in construction applications. Except for the final light cold rolling with a polishing roller after annealing and descaling, the other processes are the same as 2D. The surface is slightly shiny and can be polished.

No.2B Bright Annealed: This is a reflective surface that is rolled with polishing rollers and final annealed in a controlled atmosphere. Bright annealing still maintains its reflective surface and does not produce scale.

Since no oxidation reaction occurs during bright annealing, pickling and passivation treatments are not required.

No.3: Represented by 3A and 3B. 

3A: The surface is evenly ground and the abrasive grain size is 80~100.

3B: Matt surface polishing, with uniform straight lines on the surface. It is usually polished once with an abrasive belt with a grit of 180~200 on the 2A or 2B board.

No. 4: One-way surface finish, not very reflective, this finish is probably the most versatile in architectural applications. The process steps are to first polish with coarse abrasives, and finally grind with 180 grit abrasives.

No.6: It is a further improvement on No.4. It is polished with Tampico polishing brush in abrasive and oil medium. 4 surfaces. \"British Standard 1449" does not have this surface treatment, but it can be found in the American Standard.

No.7: It is called bright polishing, which is polishing the surface that has been ground very finely but still has grinding marks.

Usually the 2A or 2B plate is used, with a fiber or cloth polishing wheel and the corresponding polishing paste.

No.8: Mirror polished surface with high reflectivity, often called mirror surface processing because the reflected image is very clear.


Polish the stainless steel continuously with a fine abrasive and then with a very fine polishing paste.

In architectural applications, it should be noted that such surfaces may leave fingerprints if they are in areas with high traffic or where people touch them frequently. Although these fingerprints can be erased, they affect the appearance after all. The surface processing described in some official standards and literature is just a general introduction, and only real samples can most intuitively represent the types of surface processing.

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