
How to process aluminum profiles? Introduction to the processing method of aluminum profile processing

How to process aluminum profiles? Introduction to the processing method of aluminum profile processing

Industrial aluminum materials have unparalleled performance of other metals such as corrosion resistance, dirt resistance, environmental protection, and good stretching performance. Therefore, in recent years, industrial aluminum profile has been widely used in construction, transportation, aviation and other fields. We can often see the use of industrial aluminum profiles in daily life. Do you know how industrial aluminum profiles are produced? Now let's talk about the specific processing process of industrial aluminum profiles.

Aluminum profile processing

Following casting is the first process of aluminum production. Ingredients: Calculate the amount of alloy composition according to the specific alloy brands that need to be produced, and reasonably match various raw materials. Following: According to the process requirements, the prepared raw materials are melted into the melting furnace, which effectively removes the residue and gases in the melt through the method of removing gas, residue, and refining. Casting: Under a certain casting process, the melted aluminum liquid is cooled by the deep well casting system to cause various specifications of circular casting rods.

How to process aluminum profiles is generally processed?

extrusion. Squeezing is a means of forming profile. First of all, according to the section design of the profile products, the production mold is produced, and the industrial aluminum profile extrusion machine is squeezed out of the mold from the mold.

Oxidation. The surface of the aluminum alloy profile is not strong, and the surface treatment must be performed through anode oxidation, and the corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance and appearance are beautiful.

The main crafts are: surface pre -processing, cleaning the surface of the profile with chemical or physical methods, exposing pure matrix, which is conducive to obtaining a complete and dense artificial oxide film.

Anode oxidation, surface pre -processing profile, under certain process conditions, anode oxidation occurs on the surface of the substrate, forming a dense and porous membrane layer.


The so -called sealing hole is the pores of the porous oxide film generated after the oxidation of the seal theode, which enhances the anti -pollution, corrosion resistance and abrasion resistance of the oxide film. The oxide film is colorless and transparent. Using the strong adsorption of the oxide film before the sealing film, some metal salt is absorbed in the membrane hole, which can make the profile appearance present a lot of colors.

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